License Types
Standard License:
One-time, flat fee to license royalty-free image to one individual for an unlimited, perpetual, non exclusive use for personal purposes on a personal website, a personal social media account or personal blog or for a non-commercial presentation for descriptive purposes only
Not intended for commercial, editorial, advertising, or marketing purposes
You do not own the photo or its copyright.
You are purchasing one license that cannot be transferred to another individual.
Please read Terms of Use for a full explanation of the Content License Agreement, which outlines the available licenses, rights and ownership details, and the permitted uses of each license.
Commercial and Editorial License:
One-time, flat fee to license royalty-free image to one individual within a business, brand or organization for an unlimited, perpetual, nonexclusive use for commercial and editorial purposes on websites, blog posts, and social media accounts for promotion, marketing, branding or for inclusion in news articles for descriptive purposes.
You do not own the photo or its copyright.
You are purchasing one license that cannot be transferred to another individual.
Image cannot be licensed for advertisement for online or mobile use, newspapers, magazines, and/or other printed or digital materials.
If interested in licensing the image for the above purpose, you will need to acquire an extended commercial use license. Please contact InColorStock for pricing.
Please read Terms of Use for a full explanation of the Content License Agreement, which outlines the available licenses, rights and ownership details, and the permitted uses of each license.